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Housing Tax Credit Forms

Allocating Forms
Monitoring Forms
Extended Use Period
Rev Date Form Purpose Use When

WHEDA Multifamily New or Revised Authorization Agreement for Automatic Credits Automated Clearing House (ACH) Transfer

Permits WHEDA to electronically collect compliance monitoring fees Preparing and submitting final application

Competitive Allocation Certification Request (ACR) Spreadsheet and Instructions

To provide development data required to issue competitive IRS 8609 form(s) Preparing and submitting final competitive LIHTC application

Noncompetitive Allocation Certification Request (ACR) Spreadsheet and Instructions

To provide development data required to issue noncompetitive IRS 8609 form(s) Preparing and submitting final noncompetitive LIHTC application

Building Worksheet Calculations: REScheck Compliance Certificate 2000 IECC (non-WHEDA form)

To calculate energy efficiency (for use by architect) Preparing and submitting final application

Capital Needs Assessment Solicitation of Interest

For review and approval of potential Capital Needs Assessment Providers Applying to become a WHEDA-approved Capital Needs Assessment Provider

Carryover Provision Request (CPR)

To provide detailed information required to issue Carryover Letter Preparing and submitting Review Two (competitive applications)

Carryover (Review Two) Submission Checklist

Lists items required when requesting Carryover Allocations (competitive applicants) Preparing and submitting Review Two (competitive applications)

Cost Certification Packet (multiple forms)

To provide satisfaction of mandatory third-party Cost Certification (for use by your accountant) Preparing and submitting final application

Credit Award Checklist

Lists required post-threshold documentation Preparing submission of Competitive Application Two and Noncompetitive Application One

Final Review Checklist (What to Do When a Tax Credit Project Places in Service)

Lists items required when requesting IRS 8609 form Preparing and submitting final application

General Contractor Energy Efficiency Certification

To provide certification of development energy efficiency Preparing and submitting final application

Owner Energy Efficiency Certification

To provide certification of development energy efficiency Preparing and submitting final application

Market Study Solicitation of Interest

For review and approval of potential Market Study Providers Applying to become a WHEDA-approved Market Study Provider

Rental Completion Report (sample)

Submitted to Home Fund agency prior to final draw request Preparing and submitting final applications if Home Funds are a source of financing

10% Test Packet (multiple forms)

  1. 10% Test Procedures
  2. 10% Test Instructions
  3. 10% Test Worksheet & Owners Certification
  4. 10% Test 3rd Party Opinion Letter
To provide satisfaction of mandatory IRS 10% test requirement Preparing and submitting information for 10% test deadline (competitive applications)

HTC Compliance/Monitoring Manual

Rev Date Form Purpose Use When

WHEDA Multifamily New or Revised Authorization Agreement for Automatic Credits Automated Clearing House (ACH) Transfer

Authorizes WHEDA to deposit or withdraw money from authorized accounts. Submitting a new or revised authorization agreement for automatic credits of tax credit compliance fees.

Form 001
Report Submission Instructions

Report submission schedule. Looking for information on reporting requirements and timeline.

Form 100

Form 101 - Form 100 Instructions

Owner's Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance

Required form for owner's certification of program compliance. Submitting owner's annual certificate of compliance due with initial reports & in January of each year.

Form 100 A1
Nonprofit Addendum Owner's Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance - Nonprofit Addendum

Required form for owner's certification of program compliance when allocated from the nonprofit set-aside. Submitting owner's annual certificate of compliance due with initial reports & in January of each year.
10/2018 Form 105 
Tax Credit, HUD & WHEDA Contact Information
Updating owner or agent contact information due to change in personnel, address, ownership, or management.              As needed

Form 120
Full-time Resident Manager Unit Designation Certification

Report full-time resident manager unit designation. Submitting initial monitoring reports or whenever there is a change in unit designation.
(Applies only to projects with full-time resident manager.)

Form 200
Unit Status Report

All reporting done through Procorem. Form is available to reference reporting requirements only. Form includes tenant information such as gross income, rent, subsidy, certification date, move out date, etc. Submit Unit Status Report online through Unit Status Report portal in Procorem.

Form 202A
Unit Number Change

Report unit number changes Requesting unit number changes to update systems.

Form 205
Utilities Information

Report utility allowance amounts and documentation. Submitting utility allowance information.
8/1998 Form 205E
Utility Allowance Period Election
Identifies the time frame for which utility allowance information will be obtained for the property. Submitting initial monitoring reports.

Form 300
Tenant Income Certification

Certification of applicant or tenant income. Certifying household income.

Form 301
Instructions for Completing TIC

Instructions for completing tenant income certification.  

Form 305
Tenant Income Questionnaire

Collect information on applicant/tenant sources of income. Collecting information on applicant or tenant sources of income.

Form 310
Clarification Record

Determining applicant/tenant eligibility and meeting record keeping requirements. Recording verbal clarification of information reported on 3rd party verification or when written verification is not possible.

Form 315
- Supportive Housing Unit Vacancy Marketing Certification

Report vacancy activity for Supportive Housing Units. Filling a unit designated as Supportive Housing.

Form 400
Authorization for Release of Income Verification for Employer

Determining applicant/tenant eligibility and meeting record keeping requirements. Verifying employment information when preparing applicant/tenant income certification.

Form 410
Social Security Verification

Determining applicant/tenant eligibility & meeting record keeping requirements. Verifying employment information when preparing applicant/tenant income certification.

Form 500
Self Employed Income Statement

Determining applicant/tenant eligibility and meeting record keeping requirements. Obtaining self-employed applicant/tenant income certification.

Form 510
Child Support Verification

Determining tenant applicant/eligibility and meeting record keeping requirements. Verifying child support information when preparing applicant/tenant income certification.

Form 520
Public Housing Authority Income Certification

Determining applicant/tenant eligibility and meeting record keeping requirements. Obtaining certification of applicant/tenant income as verified by Public Housing Authority.

Form 600 A  
Asset Self-Certification (Formerly Under $50,000 / Zero Asset Certification)

Form 600 B Asset Self-certification Worksheet

Determining applicant/tenant eligibility and meeting record keeping requirements. Obtaining applicant/tenant certification of household asset totaling less than $50,000*. *Subject to HUD imputed asset threshold.

Form 605
Divestiture of Asset Verification

Determining applicant/tenant eligibility and meeting record keeping requirements. Obtaining applicant/tenant certification of assets sold or disposed of for less than Fair Market Value.

Form 700
Authorization for Release of Asset Information

Determining applicant/tenant eligibility and meeting record keeping requirements. Verifying asset information when preparing applicant/tenant income certification.

Form 705
Home/Real Estate Affidavit

Determining applicant/tenant eligibility and meeting record keeping requirements. Obtaining applicant/tenant certification of intent regarding Real Estate Owned.

Form 800 A  
Student Certification Form

Form 800 B
Student Status Verification

Form 800 C
Affidavit of Student Financial Assistance

Determining applicant/tenant eligibility and meeting record keeping requirements. Determining Income from Student Financial Assistance Obtaining applicant/tenant certification of student status.

Form 900
Verification of Unemployment Benefits

Determining applicant/tenant eligibility and meeting record keeping requirements. Verifying unemployment benefits when preparing applicant/tenant income certification.

Form 905
Certification of Zero Income

Determining applicant/tenant eligibility and meeting record keeping requirements. Obtaining applicant/tenant certification of zero income.

Form 990
Notice of Change in Ownership

Notify WHEDA of change in project ownership. Report any time there is a change in project ownership.
Rev Date Form Purpose Use When

HTC Extended Use Period Form 001
Report Submission Instructions

Report submission schedule. Looking for information on reporting requirements and timeline.

HTC Form 100
Owner's Certificate of Continuing Compliance

Owner's certification of compliance with the Land Use Restriction Agreement (required). Submitting owner's annual certificate of compliance due January of each year during the extended use period.

HTC 3-Year Tenant Protection Period
Form 100
Owner's Certificate of Continuing Compliance

Owner's certification of compliance during the 3-year tenant protection period. Submitting owner's annual certificate of compliance due January of each year during the 3-year tenant protection period.

HTC Form 100 A1
Nonprofit Addendum Owner's Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance - Nonprofit Addendum

Required form for owner's certification of program compliance when allocated from the nonprofit set-aside. Submitting owner's annual certificate of compliance due with initial reports & in January of each year.

HTC Extended Use Period
Form 200
Unit Status Report

Report tenant information during the extended use period. Tenant information includes move-in date, gross income, rent, move-out date, etc. Submitting Unit Status Report in paper format on an annual basis during the extended use period.

HTC Extended Use Period
Form 201
Unit Status Report Instructions

Instructions for completing and submitting Unit Status Reports and correcting prior reports. Preparing the following reports: Unit Status Report in paper or electronic format and correction or amendment to prior reports.

HTC Extended Use Period
Form 203
Correction or Amendment to Prior Period Report

Report correction or amendment to prior Unit Status Report, or report and event missed on a prior report. Submitting corrected or amended tenant information. Submit as soon as you realize there is an error or omission on a prior report.

HTC Extended Use Period
Form 300
Tenant Income Self-Recertification

Tenant self-recertification of income. Recertifying household income during the extended use period.

Form 315
- Supportive Housing Unit Vacancy Marketing Certification

Report vacancy activity for Supportive Housing Units. Filling a unit designated as Supportive Housing.

Calculation of Qualified Contract Price

Excel spreadsheet to use for calculating the Qualified Contract Price. Calculating and submitting the Qualified Contract Price for Opt-Out.