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HUD Section 8 Contract Administration Forms

Form Purpose Use When
HUD Model Leases
Appendix 4-A: Model Lease for Subsidized Programs (Family Model Lease)
Appendix 4-B: Model Lease for Section 202/8 or Section 202 PACs
Appendix 4-C: Model Lease for Section 202 PRACs
Appendix 4-D: Model Lease for Section 811 PRACs
HUD created model leases for use in subsidized, Section 8, Section 202, and Section 811 developments. When completing leases with new and existing tenants.
Attachment 3
Project Owner's Certification That All Exigent Health and Safety Items Have Been Corrected
To inform WHEDA that all REAC Exigent Health & Safety Items have been corrected. When REAC Inspection indicates need for immediate correction of EH & S items.
HUD Form 9624 
Attachment 3A-2
Contract Renewal Request Form
Owner/Agents use to request contract renewals. When requesting contract renewal.
Request for a HAP contract greater than 5 years To request contract renewals greater than 5 years When requesting contract renewal terms greater than 5 years
HUD 9625
Attachment 3B of Renewal Policy

OCAF Rent Adjustment Worksheet

PDF |  Excel 

To request an Operating Cost Adjustment Factor (OCAF) rent adjustment. Submit 120 days before the anniversary date.
HUD Form 92273 (Excel)
Rent Comparability Grid
Completed by persons performing Rent Comparability Study to compare similar properties to subject property. Submitted with rent adjustment requests when current rents are above fair market value.
Form HUD-92547-A
Budget Worksheet: Income and Expense Projections
To request a budget based rent increase. Submitted to WHEDA 90 days prior to beginning of FY.
Exception: Section 202 properties submit documents 30 days prior to beginning of fiscal year.
HUD Form 92458
Rent Schedule
Owner/Agents use to establish a new rent schedule When requesting rent or utility changes during a rent increase
Sample 30-Day Notice to Tenants of Rent Increase Request To notify tenants that the owner is requesting a rent increase as required by 24 CFR 245. Posting and notification to tenants should be done when requesting a rent increase.
Appendix 11.3 – Recap Second Notice of Opt Out – 120 Days The Second notice to residents reminding the residents of the owner's intent not to renew their expiring HAP contracts. Notice is posted/mailed to residents 120 days prior to contract expiration.
Appendix 2 - Owner's Certification Certifies that the Owner complied with the tenant comment period procedures set forth in 24 CFR 245. Certification to be submitted 30 days after the notice of rent increase to tenants has been posted.
Owner Sample Format for Reporting Unit Turnover To provide unit turnover data for calculating AAF rent adjustment. When requesting AAF rent adjustment.
Sample Letter to Residents: One-Year Notification—Owner Intends to Renew (from HUD Renewal Guide) To notify residents of the owner's intent to renew their expiring HAP contracts. Notice is posted/mailed to residents 12 months prior to contract expiration.
Sample Letter to Residents: One-Year Notification—Owner Does Not Intend to Renew (from HUD Renewal Guide)  To notify residents of the owner's intent not to renew their expiring HAP contracts.   Notice is posted/mailed to residents 12 months prior to contract expiration.
WHEDA Multifamily New or Revised Authorization Agreement for Automatic Credits Automated Clearing House (ACH) Transfer


Authorizes WHEDA to deposit or withdraw money from authorized accounts. Submit when becoming a participating lender or when changes to ACH accounts are needed, such as new loan, agent change, owner change, or personnel change.
Special Claims Checklist To verify that all documentation is enclosed with the Section 8 Claim Request. When Owner/Agent prepares a Section 8 Claim Request. The checklist should be kept as backup by the Owner/Agent.
Form 105 
Tax Credit, HUD & WHEDA Contact Information
Updating owner or agent contact information due to change in personnel, address, ownership, or management.              As needed