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WHEDA Multifamily Financing Forms

Rev Date Form Purpose Use When

Land Survey Requirements

Shows existing structures for acquisition/rehab projects at the predesign stage. Prior to initial closing

WHEDA Multifamily New or Revised Authorization Agreement for Automatic Credits Automated Clearing House (ACH) Transfer

Authorizes WHEDA to deposit or withdraw money from authorized accounts. New loans are closed and any of the following changes: management agent, authorized signatory or bank information.

Multifamily Loan Application

Provides necessary information to WHEDA when applying for financing. Applying for WHEDA financing.

Multifamily Loan Application Checklist

Use this checklist in completing your application package. Applying for WHEDA financing. 

Construction Draw Process

Provides instruction on WHEDA's draw process. As needed

Developer Instructions for the Developer Spreadsheet for Construction Draw

Provides instruction on using the Developer Spreadsheet for Construction Draw As needed

Solicitation of Interest for Capital Needs Assessment Reports

To provide WHEDA with information about potential Capital Needs Assessment Providers. Submitting a request to become an approved Capital Needs Assessment Provider.

WHEDA Construction Sign Specifications

Provides specifications, including size and text, to be used for signage on WHEDA financed and Tax Credit projects under construction (Click here for print-ready graphics files). During construction of a development.

Phase I Environmental Report Requirements

Provides instructions on WHEDA's Phase I environmental report requirements Prior to initial closing.

Insurance Specifications for Completed Developments

Provides instruction on WHEDA's insurance requirements Closing a WHEDA permanent loan

Insurance specifications for Developments in the Course of Construction

Provides instruction on WHEDA's insurance requirements Closing a WHEDA construction loan
10/2016  Design Architect's Opinion Letter Provides template for submitting a Design Architect’s Opinion Letter  As needed
10/2018 Form 105 
Tax Credit, HUD & WHEDA Contact Information
Updating owner or agent contact information due to change in personnel, address, ownership, or management.              As needed