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2025 Program FAQs

For any questions, inquiries can be directed via email to HTC.FAQ@wheda.com.  A team member will respond as promptly as possible, and the webpage will be updated to include all answered questions. The page is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure the information remains accurate and current. Any significant updates or important notices will be clearly highlighted for easy reference. 

Threshold Requirements

The following questions pertain to threshold requirements,. These topics cover required criteria for project eligibility and compliance in the Housing Tax Credit Program.  

Financial Feasiblity

Building Design Standards

Application Submission Process


Site Control

Tenants Served



The following questions address the scoring critieria in the Housing Tax Credit application which are organized under the categories Location, Building Design, Development Process, Tenants Served, and Other Scoring Questions. These topics encompass the factors considered when evaluating applications. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in determining the project's potential impact, feasibility, and alignment with funding priorities. 



Building Design

Development Process

Other Scoring Questions