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Northcott Neighborhood construction workers

Northcott Neighborhood House—Building the Future

The Northcott Neighborhood House has dedicated itself to filling gaps in the Milwaukee workforce through an Urban Arborist Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program. Northcott trainees, in conjunction with instruction from MATC, are provided a paid educational experience in the form of trade work. By participating in the construction of new developments in their community, the often disadvantaged students have an opportunity to further their education and develop a unique set of skills in hopes of obtaining an Industry Certification and ultimately finding a well-paying job. It is not uncommon for students in the Northcott Neighborhood House program to be recruited for their hard work ethic. In addition to this program, the Northcott Neighborhood House engages in many activities that bring the community together, which includes keeping a stocked food pantry.

My goal is to get a respectable wage, own a home and pass it on to my son.
-Elliott U. of Milwaukee

Northcott partnered with developer Gorman & Company from Oregon, Wisconsin on a landmark housing restoration effort called the Northside Housing Initiative. The project featured the construction of 40 rent-to-own single family homes on vacant lots as well as the rehabilitation of existing duplexes to provide 40 affordable rental units to the area.

In 2010, WHEDA awarded $951,620 in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) to partner Gorman & Company for the initiative, and just over $1.5 million in tax credits in 2012. The second phase of the Northside Housing Initiative, which involved the acquisition and rehabilitation of 105 single family homes into affordable rental units, depended greatly on the Northcott students.

The return on this investment was clear when Northcott students were employed in other WHEDA construction projects, such as Milwaukee's Bronzeville. Upon demonstrating their newly developed skills, these students are given toolbelts to use as they build better futures for themselves and their families.

Due to the overwhelming success of the Northcott Neighborhood House program, there is a waiting list of prospective students who are eager to better themselves and their communities. Through continued funding of programs and projects such as the Northside Housing Initiative, WHEDA hopes to reach as many underprivileged students as possible.

Due to their dedication, the students of Northcott prove the value of these programs and hit the nail on the head when it comes to developing Wisconsin!