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State HTC Expansion 

Read more about WHEDA's position on SB40

The Wisconsin Legislature introduced 2023 Senate Bill 40 (SB40) earlier this year to expand the State Housing Tax Credit Program from $42 million to $100 million. While the legislation progressed through the Wisconsin Assembly with bipartisan support, it is stalled in the Senate. Without your help, the Senate will fail to take action – we need your voice to get the Senate to pass SB40.  

You can help in two important ways!

First, contact your State Senator and ask them to support the State Housing Tax Credit expansion under SB40. Ask them to vote in favor of SB40 when scheduled for a floor vote.  

Find your state legislator and send them a customized email using the following language:  

Dear Senator,  

My name is (Your Name) and I am a/n (Job Title) at (Company). I live in (community) and I understand that Wisconsin is experiencing an affordable housing crisis. [Option to add concerns about the need for affordable housing in your own community.] 

I support the development of affordable and workforce housing through the State of Wisconsin to address this crisis. One of the best tools to accomplish this difficult task is the State Housing Tax Credit (HTC) program, administered by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA). The State HTC program pairs with abundant resources in the federal 4% HTC program to incentivize development of affordable housing in expensive or difficult to reach communities, like rural parts of the state.  

Currently, there is a proposal before the Senate to expand this program, under Senate Bill 40. [Option to add your own paragraph on what expanding the State HTC program would mean for you!] 

You can support this work and meet the housing needs of your constituents, businesses, and communities by supporting this legislation through signing on as a cosponsor, asking the Senate Majority Leader to schedule it for a vote, and voting in favor of SB40 at that time. Please add your voice in support of this legislation and program today!  

Thank you very much,  

(your name) 

(your address)


Second, please contact Senator Devin LeMahieu’s office and ask him to schedule 2023 SB40 for a floor vote this session. 

The following language can be customized to suit your message:  

Dear Senator LeMahieu,  

My name is (Name) and I am a/n (job title) at (company.) I am asking you to schedule Senate Bill 40 (SB40) for a vote on the Senate Floor this year. Your members and constituents support the development of affordable and workforce housing in Wisconsin and SB40 will expand the best tool we have to do so, the State Housing Tax Credit program at the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA).  

Thank you very much,  

(your name) 

(your address)