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Action Workshop Summary

April 8 - 9, 2021

The Action Workshop, held April 8 – 9, was the final event for the Door County Pilot Design Team to prepare for the implementation phase. The purpose for the two-day event was to prioritize the strongest concepts developed by the small groups, share out to the Door County community, and begin    the work designing final pilot solutions.

Public Pitch Presentations

In the evening of Day 1 and morning of Day 2, the team selected representatives from the small groups to share out on the team’s top four concepts. The feedback received during both the evening and morning sessions yielded a wealth of insight and raised great questions for the team to consider as they build out their pilots. Attendees included Door County residents, business owners, nonprofit and service provider representatives, and other community stakeholders. The feedback and questions received will be used to inform the development of each concept into pilots. The Public Feedback Sessions can be viewed on here.

Building Concepts into Pilots

Of the four concepts shared during the public portions of the Action Workshop, the team decided to pursue all four concepts. These concepts will be developed into final pilots. This resulted in the following pilots:

Infrastructure Fund: This pilot will establish the blueprint for a fund that subsidizes the cost of installing necessary infrastructure like transportation, power, water supply, sewage disposal, communications, and drainage to support the construction of affordable workforce housing units.

Municipal Subsidized Infrastructure: This pilot will establish the blueprint for a program that defers the cost of infrastructure via special improvements to support affordable workforce housing development.

Reimagining Workforce Housing: This pilot will create the elements for a housing design and innovation competition to generate models for scalable construction of innovative techniques and materials for homes affordable for workforce families.

Door Affordable Housing Financing Treasury (DAHFT): This pilot will establish the blueprint for a fund  that provides a variety of financing options to a variety of entities for the construction, creation/conversion, acquisition, and/or rehabilitation of affordable workforce housing units.

Pilot Design Phase

With four selected pilots to pursue and design, the team will work in small groups to develop their pilot solutions. During this twelve-week period, the team will continue to use the feedback and insight collected at the Action Workshop, as well as engage with additional practitioners and experts to create a clear plan for the final pilot solutions.

Implementation Phase Summary - coming soon